2010年3月25日 星期四

How to create a icon for your own self -----如何建立一個屬於自己的icon

如何建立一個屬於自己的icon 圖示?通常大家給的答案幾乎都是去 iconfactory 抓免費的。
actually, it is easy to create a new icon you like! (just change format from .png to .icns)
follow next steps, you will be a creater!

step 1. prepare your picture you like. you can download any picture on the websit or creat your own picture.

step 2. save as .png or .psd

step 3. go to "/Developer/Applications/Utilities" and open "Icon Composer.app"

step 4. "file >> New icns" you will see like this:

step 5. drag your picture in to the box and filled it.

like this :

step 6. save it. "file >> save"

step 7. now you need IcnsRsrc to convert .icns to .rsrc .

step. 8 download and open it. "file >> open >> .icns" than you will get a new icon.

now you can easily change any icon you like !!

drag .ratc to new file which you want to change.

enjoy it !!


set printer to server for MAC (or Linux)

this way is to link the server printer from MAC to Windows

step 1. open website type "http://localhost:631/"

step 2. enter "Administration --> add printer", choose "Windows Printer via SAMBA" and click continue.

step 3. type "smb://username:password@140.11x.xxx.xx/HP_Color_LaserJet_xxxx" and continue.
ps: username is server name.
password is server password.
140.1xx.xxx.xxx is server IP
HP_Color_xxxxx is the printer's type

step 4. type "Name","Description","Location" whish you prefer to and continue.

step 5. choose the printer type. (for me i choose "HP" ) and continue.

step 6. done! you can go back "Administration --> Manage" print test page to check is it work.

good luck !
if i have time i will put figuer in this in the future.

install gnuplot on MAC


在 MAC上安裝 gnuplot 之外必須還要在安裝一項 AquaTerm 來輸出結果。

stap 1. download AquaTerm v1.0.1
click on "AquaTerm.dmg"
step 2. open Terminal type :
"cd /usr/local/lib/"
"sudo ln -s libaquaterm.1.0.1.dylib libaquaterm.1.0.0.dylib"
ernter your password

再來就是gnuplot 的部份:
there are two way to install gnuplot :

step 3. download gnuplot 4.0.0.dmg
install this , and follow the installation step to the end.

the other way to install is :
step 3. download gnuplot-4.4.0.tar.gz
unzip this file
step 4. open Terminal to where you download the gnuplot file.
4-1 . type "./configure" enter it
4-2. "make"
4-3. "sudo make install" and type your password.

check gnuplot :

step 5. type "gnuplot"

step 6. "set term aqua"

step 7. "plot sin(x)"

